Can I add Colm Magee to the list to play in this event.
Can you add Carol Hood to this comp ( Prestige Tournament). On same email address as Neill Hood
Nothing happens when i click to register for this comp. I am a Chez society member. I have the same email as my husband, is this causing a problem?
Could I be added to the reserve list of this Nov comp. Thanks Ian Emerson
If someone drops off or if you acquire more tee times, I would like to join the event. Kind regards Thomas
Myself & Niall were in touch a while back to go on waiting list if you get additional spots. Cheers
When a place comes available please let me know, I am interested to participate.
Please add me to the reserve list. Would love to be part of this competition
Can I go on the reserve list if anybody drops out please
Great course
Can I add Colm Magee to the list to play in this event.
Can you add Carol Hood to this comp ( Prestige Tournament). On same email address as Neill Hood
Nothing happens when i click to register for this comp. I am a Chez society member. I have the same email as my husband, is this causing a problem?
Could I be added to the reserve list of this Nov comp. Thanks Ian Emerson
If someone drops off or if you acquire more tee times, I would like to join the event. Kind regards Thomas
Myself & Niall were in touch a while back to go on waiting list if you get additional spots. Cheers
When a place comes available please let me know, I am interested to participate.
Please add me to the reserve list. Would love to be part of this competition
Can I go on the reserve list if anybody drops out please
Great course